The first section is more focused on current issues and celebrities.

In honor of George Floyd, and the many black lives lost due to injustice in America

A fun portrait of the one and only Stephen A. Smith.

The Reckoning of Jason Garrett, starring Sheriff Will Cain
I like to call this next section "The Zoo."

Octopus Flask

Octopus Flask Inverted

Turt Droplet

Turt Droplet Inverted

Hank the Doodle



A grid of faces and assets that can be found on the Lavengel® About page at

The CMO of Lavengel®, my buddy Justin

Molly, the Resident Diva

Partie Artie, Event Organizer

Andy, the founder and CTO of Lavengel®

Linda, the Boss

Andy the Science Nerd

A Lovely Turt

The Unsuspecting Intern
When you're starting out, you don't always have a lot of money to buy your friends and family members gifts for birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc. So I started making them in my own high-detail, line-art style that I've developed. There's even some custom typography thrown in there as well.

A portrait of a friend and great photographer Anna Hedges.

From a cousin's wedding. Yes, he really is that tall.

My swaddled niece

My sister-in-law asked me to get a candid photo of her at the beach. I succeeded.

Another cousin's wedding. I told them to fake-choke each other but they were too happy.

Great-grandmother and great-granddaughter

Grandmother and granddaughter

His face made this portrait worthwhile.